Light Rail News, 21 Aug 2004
Minneapolis' new light-rail train shows what can be (Capital Times, Madison) - On Saturday, June 26, the quality of Andrew Brantingham's life took a sudden - and rather dramatic - turn for the better. On that day, the first segment of Minneapolis' long-awaited, much ballyhooed - and still controversial - Hiawatha high-speed light-rail line opened.
Mall visitors boost light-rail ridership (San Jose Mercury News) - Riders are returning to light rail, but it's where they're headed that might be the big surprise: the mall. According to new Valley Transportation Authority figures, ridership climbed to nearly 566,000 in July -- a 31 percent increase over a year ago.
Light rail maintenance facility contract awarded (Phoenix Business Journal) - Valley Metro Rail awarded a $57.6 million contract to construct its light rail maintenance and storage facility. A joint venture between Sundt Construction Inc. of Phoenix and California-based general contractor Stacy and Witbeck Inc. was the recipient of the contract.